Thursday, February 12, 2009

Every Blogger Needs a Top Ten

Barking Mad is giving away $250 gift card to Target just by pimping out your top ten posts. I think I could handle that.

Here are my top 10 favorite posts of all time. I had to do a lot of digging through my crazy random posts because the random is what keeps this blog train going.

1. Vacation 1 This was in the early days before I knew that witty titles are just as fun as the post itself.

2 I have to include Wonder Boy's Saga as it's just one of those highlight of life moments that had to be told.

3. This was one of my more "eventful" random ramblings. I totally forgot that a cute version of Napoleon Dynomite hit on me.

4. Home Sweet Home This one is probably one of my top favorites. I actually tried to write something deep and not like me.

5. Since I can't remain serious for to long; I have to throw Got Pickles? in. I know that I'm a big dork and used the pickle pic as my profile pic..that's just the way I roll. I'm planning to somehow make it my brand for my review blog.

6. That Girl Is Poison A brief memory of my hard rock days..or not.

7. Chuckie's Revenge Chuck Cheez and I become mortal enemies.

8. I have to add "The Big Move part 1 and part 2" posts as that also was pretty life changing. These posts are primarily the actual move and where my inner b* takes over.

9. I have a thing about cell phones and public places.

10. Once Upon A Time There Was A Box

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I never sat down to read Wonder Boy's story but I finally did today and WOW. So much I never actually knew about you and your boys. :)


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