Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's A Happy Day...and it's not even my birthday

whispering so I don't jinx it.

I have to admit that the last few weeks have been nothing but sunshine and roses. The job has melted the stress away to an extent. My co workers rock and just have a level of enthusiasm and motivation that I haven't had in a long time. We all support each other and keep one another entertained.
Today almost felt like my birthday with out cake and presents, but it was just as good. I got a few sells in with out even having to work for it. Which is an awesome aspect of this job. The sells pretty much come to you. Then my mother bless her, sent my anniversary goody basket filled with cookies, chips, soda, and all kinds of stuff. She thinks it's better than getting flowers, since it is hubs anniversary too.
I snacked on some cheese and crackers for lunch and came back and one of the co-workers mother had brought in a slew of home cooked food. Smothered chicken, green beans, homemade rolls, fried potatoes, and best of all some killer brownies. I thought I had gone to carbohydrate heaven. As if that wasn't enough my buddy from the other department brought me Starbucks just cause. They had teased me before their supervisor meeting that they were going to Starbucks for the meeting.
We challenged the new transfer co-worker to sing Opera. He used to sing for the Dallas Opera. That was part of his initiation into the department. They made me dance. Then my supervisor did the splits in a skirt right there in front of all of us.
The next interesting thing that happened is that the other department is in such dire need to test the new software that the big bosses have asked my boss if he could let them borrow me for testing. This is something that is not handled in my department at all. I told the boss man I'd do whatever he wanted me to do. I don't think he's overly thrilled with this idea.
It just feels so darn good to be loved, appreciated, and needed, and not just a warm body answering the phone all day.


Krista said...

It might not be your birthday... but it is your anniversary! Have a good one!

Deb said...

I am so glad that things are going well in the new job and that you are so happy with it!! :)

MP said...


Have an awesome weekend..I hope your mood is contageous..


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