Welcome Blog friends to Casa De Working Momma. I'm a work outside of the home mom; (do we have a fancy acronym?) as my motto goes when my paid shift ends at 5, my second shift begins being mom.
I like to blog about my random funny/not so funny experiences with work as well as raising 3 boys in East Texas. My house is testorone filled to the max with all boys including the cat and the dog.
I share my rants (usually work related), my joys, and my laughs. I try as humanly possible to make a lame attempt at seeing the bright side of things by sprinkling my post with a bit of humor. I'm not saying it's always funny or even remotely funny, I'm just saying I try.
Since you have been so kind to stick around, I bring you my welcome gift to you with a Giveaway. If your like me and love yourself a giveaway, well you've come to the right place.
The kind folks at Spa Sensials sent me a few extra packages of their moisurizing gloves and booties in appreciation for reviewing their product. You can check out my review and then come back and leave me a comment to win. All you have to do is tell me you like me, that you really do like me, cause well I like my ego stroked every now and then. Lucky for ya'll, I've got 3 boxes to giveaway...Ahem I kept the fourth cause I'm stingy like that.
**Updated to add**
I guess I got so excited about the party I forgot to mention the rules. /Bad hostess
I'll be using good old random generator and closing comments Friday the 14th and will announce the winner on Saturday.
Visit 5MinutesforMom and make the rounds to all the great blog party throwers.
Have a look around and make your self at home!
The spa products look wonderful - perfect for a busy mum of 3. However, I assume Ireland is a bit far to post them.
Have a lovely Blog Party. Hope you can maybe drop in and say "Hi".
I am giving away a digi-scrap gift voucher, and also have a St Patricks Day giveaway coming soon too.
Of COURSE I like you! I like anyone that can make me giggle.
The spa product looks great. To my amazement, we dry out here in wet Seattle. Hmmmm...would those things fit on my elbows?
Hey- I like you! And I'd love to win! ; )
Of course we like you! :)
Happy blog partying!!
I like you...and your blog. For a cute acronym how about WOH-momma. Kinda like Whoa momma! We could all go around saying, "I'm a WOH-momma!"
Oh, those sound awesome! Would love some of those products - my heels are always so dry!
Thanks for stopping by and happy blog party!
Hi, nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by Sweet Home Alabama. My sister-in-law, who is also a northern gal like myself, lives in West Texas and blogs alot about TX. She has some funny stories to tell! Today they are headed to the rattlesnake roundup in Sweetwater! Yee Haw! Check out her blog if you would like: www.alwayshomewardbound.blogspot.com
Hi, there! I'm a mom of boys too. Just stopping by to spread some bloggy love. Happy bloggin!
Ooooh, spa products are just what the doctor ordered. Seriously, 2 out of 4 of my kids have the flu and I woke up with it AND my period, yesterday. Feeling better, today. Still. Thanks for having me and enjoy the rest of your week!
I like you, I mean I LIKE YOU..(does that sound like a weird stalker sort of thing, it wasn't meant that way at all LOL) It's just I REALLY want to win LOL..
What a great party you are throwing.. I couldn't help but LOL I'm adding you to my bloglines. So I look forward to more fun post. Hey I'm throwing a party too this week, though Noone likes me I didn't have anything to give away LOL.. Just wanted to invite ya to stop by for a bit if you get a chance with all the party hopping. Hope to see ya there.
Well I sure like you--so generous :)
Looking forward to getting to know you better, and in the meantime, come by my party in southern Italy when you get a chance!
I've heard working mamas called WOHMs. :) I used to be one until a little over a year ago. It's nice to "meet" ya! Come check out my party of you get a chance. The easiest way to find me is clicking #9 on the 5MM linky. :)
Have a great party.
I like you, I REALLY like you.
dolls123 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you, I really do like you. I like that you give away prizes, and that you're funny too!
Yeeehaw from Texas. ;) Hope you win a nifty prize there, little lady! ;) I live in Central TX myself - but I have friends up there in Longview!
I LIKE you LOTS and would love to win....My feet and hands have been so dry. I'm expecting my third and this pregnancy more than the others I could use some help staying moist.Help me out!!!
Okay, you had me at WOH mama, but I'll take the spa products too! Actually it seems like you and I tend to share the same wit and sense of humor, so I'll be back for more in-depth reading. You're on "the list" now. :-) And if I happen to win some spa stuff while I'm at it, that would just make me love your blog more! Wink wink!
I love to find blogs of other working moms. I'll come back to visit again.
I like you !! .. I think your one of the best blogger in the world with one of the greatest party I was honored to attend. Opps can't forget that you are the best hostess to. Thank you for your hospitality I really enjoyed my visit.
Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is so sweet - you have all boys in your home and I have all girls. Two very different worlds to be sure!
I would love to be entered in your contest.
And I like you - I really do!
I like you already. You sound like I did when I was working. Don't stress out too much.
Have fun1
ooooooooh, i love spa products. please enter me too!
h=How 'bout we trade one kid? I've got three girls. Ok, ok, I'd probably miss her after a while and have to come to Texas to get her back.
Great motto on your two shifts. I really don't know how you do it. I was out of the house all day yesterday taking kids to the zoo and library and store and school, and got home around 5. Everything with the house still had to be done. Where's my Alice?
Great post! Hope your enjoying the party! I’ve been meeting tons of new people! Hope to try to visit at least half of them before Friday! You never know when you may meet a forever friend. Pop by for a visit if you get a chance! Enjoy your day!
Hello, nice to meet you. Welcome to the party, even though we are coming to the end. Hopefully I will see you again soon.
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