I tried the foot moisturizer first as my feet are in dire need of moisture. You slip on these cute little hospital looking slippers and leave them on for a good 15 minutes. I could feel the lotions and aloes working my feet. It felt very good and soothing. Toward the end of the 15 minutes I massaged the slippers to give my feet that last boost of the lotions. I must say that when I removed the slippers, my feet felt very soft and just fresh feeling. Alot of the dried callous areas were much much softer than before. I was really surprised. The lotions didn't feel slippery or wet feeling after. It just felt rather soothing. I would recommend if you're a barefoot all the time person like me, you might want to do the slippers before going to bed, as after a little bit of walking around my feet picked up more dirt than usual from my floors and had to be dusted off a bit. Of course this could just be that my floors were in dire need of sweeping.
I tested out the gloves and had the same result. I just loved the fresh almost healing like feeling I got after removing them.
All in all this was a great little spa treat for a Working Momma and her dog tired dried out feet and hands. I would definitely recommend this product especially if you live in dry conditions or you just want to get that extra dose of moisture for those areas that lotion just doesn't do the trick on. A treat for your feet!
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