Thursday, July 5, 2007

Blog Stuff

3 wonderful things have happened recently on the old blawg. It's funny that all these things happened in the same week.

1st was the awesome nomination of being a Rockin Blogger. Which of course Rocks!

2nd I finally won a give away! If you knew my addiction for bloggers give aways and the number of times I've entered a giveaway you would understand my excitement. Oh Target is so calling my name right now! I think she misses me as I have not visited her in so long. (Yes I can refer to Target as a she if I want to.) Thanks again Sarah.

3rd I actually got my first "negative" comment from a total stranger. Now most would be a little heart sick to know that there are sinister people out there in blog land who like to just leave random negative commentary. Maybe they get excitement from it I don't know, maybe their just asshats and don't mean it. I actually found it rather amusing that some dude would read a plain ol mom blog like mine and comment on something about my thankfullness to this country. God bless him he gets that freedom to comment about it, he should be thankful for that. Anyways John if your reading this thanks for stopping by. I agree with your opinion completely. Feel free to stop anytime, cause I'm cool like that and welcome your O.


Unknown said...

And here's another total stranger, but I'm really positive :-) and enjoyed reading your page. Thanks for sharing. You sound like a fun person who also likes contests.

If you get a moment, run on over to my blog at for a fabulous contest (no, I don't mean the scanner) called "Spotlight the Youth." Prizes are growing daily. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

YAY on winning a giveaway!!!!!

Target is a she, of course. No doubt about it ;)


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