Monday, December 1, 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY Dec 1st...
Outside my window... It's sunny but chili

I am thinking...I really need to get the day started and it's almost noon. At least I got some grocery shopping done.

I am thankful for...
A warm house and a full pantry.

From the learning rooms...Back to school and home preschool. No set plan as of yet, probably just stick with routine for today- worksheets, calendar time, and writing.

From the kitchen...Chicken fettuccine tonight, can't wait.

I am wearing... pants and a turtleneck sweater, It's finally fall in Texas.

I am creating... ideas for the Christmas card. I'm thinking of doing it myself this year instead of ordering photo cards online. We'll see how that goes.

I am going... I already went to the store and will pick up the big boys later.

I am reading... I haven't really started anything yet. I gave up on Edgar. I did check out The Master Butchers Singing Club. I've had it on my TBR pile forever and saw it and went ahead and grabbed it.

I am hoping... I get a lot of cleaning done this week to get the tree up before my parents come down on Friday. I also hope to get the second science project done by then too.
I am hearing... I'm hearing Scooby Doo. Tell me your not surprised.

Around the house... Scattered stuff from our homecoming. Bags half unpacked, shoes, coats, books. You name it.
One of my favorite things... Having a warm dog on my cold feet.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Cleaning, Science Projects, Christmas Tree, and a Office Christmas party.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing... Here's some pics of the boys playing in the leaves at Grandma's. These poor kids haven't seen trees in months!

Check here for more The Simple Womans Day Book participants.


Anonymous said...

Love those pictures - looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Awesomw pics! This made for a great post! We got your day in a nutshell! :)


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