Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vicks Caring Tributes Giveaway

**I will be closing comments tonight sometime between "when the kids get bed and when I get to it". I will announce the winner tomorrow.**
The good people at Vicks have picked little 'ol me to host a giveaway and they must have known that I have a weakness for giveaways and have been ever so fortunate to win a few and now it's time for me to give back.
Here's what you can win right here just by leaving a comment saying who or what has comforted you the most in time of sickness or need?
A Vitamin E Skin Care Starter Kit from the Body Shop.

I will use the good old random org generator to pick a winner. I'll leave my giveaway open until the 31st of January and announce the winner on February 1st. Tell your blog friends, your neighbors, your cousins, whoever, they don't have to have a blog to enter. Just be sure to enter a valid e-mail or blog url so that I can contact you. U.S./Canadian residents only.

Please note that you may not see any comments/entries right away. Due to internet restrictions at work, I will not be able to moderate your comments until after 6PM CST.

Vick's is also having a CARING TRIBUTES video giveaway where you can submit a video about the person or people who cared and comforted for you at a time of sickness or need and win a $10,000 comort getaway. Enter by Jan 31'st to win.
Thanks Vicks! Good Luck everyone!

Of course head back to BloggyGiveaways for more giveaways!


Anonymous said...

Even though I'm at college now and all, sometimes, when I'm sick, I just want my mother. She'll make soup and lemonade and whatever else I need. I know that I can take care of myself when she's not there, but when that happens, I just miss her.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

It may sound silly to some, but praying helps me get through sicknesses. :)

Krista said...

Definitely have to be the mom! And my wonderful roommate in college (poor roomie!) who took care of me when I came back from Thanksgiving sick! The hubby is learning (slowly!) what I need when I'm sick.

Anonymous said...

Just having someone (anyone) take over and laundry or cook and wipe my kid's bum is the person who has helped me in times of illness!

(my word verification is the word "enjoy!")

Krista said...

How come you don't have more comments here? This is a pretty nice prize! I've seen a couple other bloggers giving this away, I guess they wanted to "blanket the blogosphere" while they had the chance. I hope someone asks me to give something away sometime!

Krista said...

I know you have more than 4 readers... wake up readers! I'm going to "steal" this prize! It's a nice one and my poor dry hands could really use it this time of year!

sassy2 said...

So exciting, another giveaway!!

Brit said...

A nice warm washcloth on my forehead and my husband. That's all I need to feel better!

Kim said...

Wow great prize - would love to win this. Thank you!

brandy said...

my little girls sick i'd love to win this for her

Michelle said...

My husband and daughter comfort me the most. Great prize. Thanks, Michelle
mlb at springmail dot com

Jenna said...

That looks awesome! I still call my mom when I'm sick...

Techchick said...

I am a firm believer in two things that help a sick one on the road to recovery...sleep as much as you can and drink water and Orange juice (if you can.) I love both of these and really believe it helps. Thank you for having such a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

would love to try!

phxbne said...

What a lovely giveaway - thanks!

CrystalGB said...

Great giveaway. Count me in please.

Anonymous said...

Hands children.

Any time I'm sick they are right there bringing me their little kitchen concoctions, ice packs, blankets, stuffed animals etc...children's love=the best medicine in the world

CC said...

I'd love this!!

My husband is GREAT at caring for me when I'm sick. He rocks!


Barb said...

I'd like to win...Please pick me!

windycindy said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it.....Thanks,Cindi

Monique said...

My hubby, last January I got really sick and it was hard to take care of myself and our almost 2 yr old DD so he took time off work to stay home and take care of me and let me not worry about our DD. Wonderful man!

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

My husband bring me hot tea. Sigh...

Anonymous said...

I love tea with honey when I am sick.

lace said...

My 3 year old niece's hugs and kisses when I am in a bad mood. She brightens up my day.

United Studies said...

Okay, this is cool! I love it, thanks!

Glass Half Full said...

During the winter season the cold always strikes.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Ooo, I would love this!


Anonymous said...

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

momofmhasr said...

My dry skin is singing! My hubby helps when I am sick.

Allison said...

My husband is my comfort. :)

Aimee Fontenot said...

thanks...enter me

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please! Enter, me!

mama2drama said...

My husband is the sweetest to me whenever I'm sick. He is absolutely the best to have around on a sick day!

michelle said...

When I was sick earlier this year, my young daughter sat on my bedside for about four or five hours just so she could be there with me. She has such a kind and caring heart. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

heidi @ ggip said...

I would love to win. I really like the Body Shop.

Enjoy the contest chaos!

Amanda Jayne said...

That's an awesome giveaway, please enter me!

Maude Lynn said...

When I'm really sick, I still want my mommy!

Brandi said...

I love The Body Shop. I remember going there for the first time in New York, I think!

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Jeni said...

I may be all grown up with a child of my own, but nobody comforts in times of illness like Momma. :-)

Someone Being Me said...

What a great giveaway. My favorite comforting moment was when I went into preterm labor in the middle of the night. I called my dad from the hospital at 3am just to let him know and he surprised me when he walked into my hospital room 4 hours later. He had hopped up and driven 3 hours to get to the hospital to be with me.

peg42 said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I feel that by taking it easy for a little while, helps you get well sooner.

Sarahviz said...

That'd be great for this New England winter!

Stephanie said...

My hubby helps me by taking care of the kids and then making soup for me!

Britni said...

My husband is so good to me when I'm sick. He'll make dinner, tuck me in, and even clean up. Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway, I'd love to be entered to win.
One time I wasn't feeling well and when I awoke from a nap my daughter (age 5 at the time) had written me a get well card! Too sweet...I saved it (she's 10 now!)

Anonymous said...

My DH, he is my best friend...

Lissete said...

Call me sappy, but it's always m mommy! :)

Heather said...

I'd love to be entered! Thanks!

Denise said...

My mom will come take care of my kids when I am sick. I get some sleep & always feel better! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Katie said...

My son gives me the best hugs whenever I'm sad.

Killlashandra said...

Vicks products are wonderful I totally agree. Vicks Vapor Rub has got to be one of my favorite products of all time. ; )

Please enter me in your drawing, living in the super dry soutwest some additional vitamin e treatment would sure be awesome.

Bonnie in FL said...

my husband he always knows how to make me feel better

Anonymous said...

My husband takes care of everything when I'm sick -- it would be a holiday if I wasn't hugging the toilet...

rookiem at live dot com

LadySnow said...

Please add my name!

TJ said...
i would love this stuff!!

Lindsey said...

It's tough to decide who has comforted me most when I'm sick. DH gets me anything that I need and makes sure that there is always an abundance of chick flicks to watch, while DS cracks me up and sits with me.

Qtpies7 said...

I would go with my mom! Even though I am 36 years old. My hubby ignores me because that is what he would want done to him. Big turd!

Anonymous said...

I am the one who takes care of the sick kids around these parts, but I must give my husband some credit that he does clean up the icky throw up. And I'd love to win this gift.

Anonymous said...

Sounds Great..I am a SAHM myself now and even though that may be I still want my mom just like she was there when I was a kid.
Enter me please for the giveaway!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

My mom flew down from Kansas to take care of me after I had brain surgery. It was humbling to be so helpless but I swallowed my pride and let her...

Bree said...

Ohhh- please enter me! Thanks!

Re said...

Reading and reflection helps me during sickness.. being sick forces you to slow down and listen (to your body and your mind)

Kierra said...

It's mostly my mom, and sometimes my bf. :)

Team Zachary said...

The internet is my cure all. If I need to shop? Check! If I feel weird and want to know what it is (or isn't!)? Check! If I need to make a new friend? Check! LOVE the internet!!!

Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

Kimmie said...

Oh, I apply the apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts honey...and lots of vitamin C!

please enter me in your giveaway too ;-)

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Heather said...

When hubby and I were dating - I went to visit him at Ft. Bragg NC (I lived in PA) and promptly got sick. He took me rto te urgetn care, got a fan to keep me cool and bought anything I needed I w as sick for most of our visit. We still own the fan - and we've been together for 12 years (married for almost 10)

Anonymous said...

My grandma taught me the wonders of vicks. Dad would always find cartoons for my sister and I to watch. And mom of course took good care of us. Now it is my husband's turn and he does a good job cooking for me and helping me keep hair out of my face when I have the stomach flu.

RLE said...

Still always want my mom when I am sick - even in my 30s!
Wonderful prize, please pick me!

jayedee said...

my dear husband's strong quiet presence is all i need to make me feel better when ailing! what an awesome giveaway! please throw my name in the hat too! good luck everyone!

Jenny said...

Nothing comforts me more than a cup of tea & my husband.

Amanda Moore said...

When I am sick I always feel comforted by my grandmas homemade chicken noodle soup.

Anonymous said...

Everytime one of us girls came down with a cold my dad would whip out the stock pot and start making us homemade chicken soup. There is nothing more comforting than that chicken soup and all the love he put in it. Even though I am all grown up now and living 5 States away from my family ... I still beg my dad to overnight some soup when I am really sick :)

JaniceJ said...

I would have to say my husband, when I am not feeling well he waits on me hand and foot!

Anonymous said...

My husband takes care of me and the home when I need him too.

Gretchen said...

My DD (9), brings me tea and drawings when I'm not up to snuff. Thanks for the opportunity!


Mommy said...

Please enter me in your contest! Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)

Elena said...

Why, Mom, of course! :) Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, enter me please.

I have a giveaway on my frugal blog.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Even though I'm old and a Mom myself, when I'm sick, I still want MY Mom. Such comfort doesn't come from anywhere else....just my Mom.

If I win, please contact me at dmj53 at hotmail dot com. Thank you.

ahiltz said...

What a great giveaway and very generous of Vicks! Thanks so much for doing this!

susan1215 said...


Kathy said...

my hubby is such a comfort when I'm sick ... he takes care of the kids, the house and me. he rocks!

Anonymous said...

Like most people, I want my mommy when I am sick!

Anonymous said...

Love this!

Unknown said...

please enter me!

Teri said...

Now that I'm an adult, I really miss being taken care of when I'm sick...DH is just all thumbs when it comes to that stuff, he doesn't have the pampering gene - my mom would bring me hot tea and chicken noodle soup when I was little...those were the days.

Manders said...

Yeah, Vicks.

Thanks, and good luck to all.

Rachie S. said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

eyeslikesugar said...

Ooh this would be so lovely to win. I hope I do. =)

Leanne said...

A warm bubble bath followed by cozy PJ's and my blankie....thanks. (

Char said...

When I found out at my ultrasound that I had miscarried, I was horrified. In this crazy confusing time,I had a friend (The Happy Geek) who let me be me. I could cry one minute, laugh the next, and be angry too. She gave me the freedom to feel anything was okay, and shared her own experience with me. She was a comfort and will always be a huge blessing to me. Thanks, love!!

Emily said...

Please count me in! Thank you for the great giveaway!


you da mom! said...

awesome, please count me in! i love new skin products!

Carolynn said...

God is my biggest comfort when I am sick of feeling down. And my Mommy:)
Thanks for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am 25. I haven't lived at home since I was 18. I have an amazing husband who is always so sweet and helpful, however, when I am sick I still want my mom!

Marcia said...

My baby girl seems to know when I'm not feeling well. She cuddles up with me on the couch or eats soup with me and it just makes me feel better.

maggie said...

Wondeful giveaway! I love Body Shop. Please count me in.

Erin said...

Hugs from my sons always make me feel much better. Thanks for such a great giveaway. I love it!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

My husband takes good care of me when I am sick. I was very sick with all four of my pregnancies and had to have HOme Health Care and IV's. He helped change them out and waited on me hand and foot!!

Come visit I am having a giveaway too!!

sweetsue said...

My mom has always been my biggest comfort.

The Modest Momma said...

Count me in please. The person would have to be my son. My husband has had 2 heart surgeries and has spent many months in the hospital over the last few years. It has been my son (age 6) that has always said it will be ok, and has always kept a smile!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

paryjeja said...

My grandmother always comforted me when I was sick.

Anonymous said...

My mom will likely always be the best comfort in times of need. I hope that my daughter will be able to say the same!

tlcfromtn said...

My husband is the one who always comforts me. thanks for the giveaway!

charmed said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com. My greatest comfort when I'm sick is my blankie... seriously, it's this totally plush throw that feels so good to snuggle up in.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago, my husband battled testicular cancer. The "little things" are what comforted us during that time - friends who sent a little note, brought us a simple-on-the-chemo-tummy dinner, gave us a phone card for calling our far away parents - and thank God, he is now healthy and cured!

Thanks for this giveaway - it looks great.
fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

Jennwith4 said...

People-wise has been my husband when we were thought there could be a problem with our firstborn.

Corina said...

Isn't it amazing how important our mothers are? I have to echo what a few others said in that when I am sick or in need, despite being married to my best friend who is usually pretty good at the caretaking-- I just want my mommy!

goalmom said...

The thing that comforts me the most is being able to rest and read a good book while the household fends for themselves.

Anonymous said...

At 33, I still call my mom for comfort when I'm sick. No one does it like she does!
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Michelle@Life with Three said...

Even though I'm a mom to three, there's nothing like having my mom to nurse me through illness! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Cheri said...

Rest -definitely rest!

Thanks for stopping by my giveaway!

Taryn said...

my grandma

Anonymous said...

Oh... I love Body Shop products...

I would have to say my husband has been the best to comfort/encourage me. He's the greatest.

Adriana said...

God, my mom and my husband.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

My husband taking my son for the day and letting me rest, definitely helps!!


Sahm Lee said...

My best friend and love of my life!

Ginny said...

My mom, my hubby is terrible at comforting

Marly said...

Sign me up, please!

emerzim said...

Green tea and my grandmother!

Anonymous said...

i want to win!!!

Minty Fresh said...

Sweet prize! Count me in please!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Oh, my sweet husband's always there fore me. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Come on lucky #99! My husband is my biggest comfort when I'm sick. When I get sick I'm pretty pathetic and like lots of head pats and things brought to me... and he does without getting upset! What a great guy.

Caroline said...

Great giveaway, thank you!

I'm having a contest at my blog as well. :)

Rebecca said...

my hubby has always been my biggest supporter and helps to understand me when I need it most.

Katy said...

oh...vicks is the best! My son has been fighting a nasty cold and has been wearing vicks around ALOT the past few days..and it has really helped!
When I am sick....I always turn to my hubby or my mom! They are my comfort!

Momof4 said...

My dear friend of 12 years, Beth, has been so comforting to me in so many ways, but especially so when she helped me labor when I had my first and second children. She was my rock.

Thanks for a chance to win this skin care package.

noreen said...

I snuggle with my pooh bear my hubby got me

T'aowyn said...

I would say my fiance and my cats have been there for me. When I am upset, it seems the cats know and hover around me more.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Tania said...

Whenever I am feeling under the weather, my hubby is always so good to me. He makes me go to bed and rest and he will run back and forth for whatever I might want. He's the bestest! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My mom is my tower of strength and stood by me and held me togeather after a diagnosis of cancer. Nobody can replace mom...even when her baby is 50+, and she 80. She encouraged me to laugh but allowed me to cry; gave me space but was always near when I needed her. Was tough on me when she had to be but soft and loving when I needed her near. Nobody, but nobody can replace the love and strength of a mom in a time of need.

Hélène said...

Last time I was sick my husband (who does not like soup) made me chicken soup and took care of the kids so I could recuperate. It was impressive so see him do that since he never had before.

Tes283 said...

Our dogs (puppies) always give unconditional love and seem to know when I need their affection.

Amber said...

Actually, we use Vick's vapor rub quite a bit. But my favorite soother is hot coffee. :)

Anonymous said...

Even though my mother was always there for me - I think my grandmother was always the most comforting. She never had anywhere else to be or to go - but to sit and rub my back when I needed it most.

I love the Body shop! Awesome prize.

heather h said...

Mommy! I'm 31 and still wish I had her living with me to comfort me through the illness. I hope I'm that comforting to my little one. OH, I miss her!

Krista said...

Oh darn, and here I thought by leaving a comment every day I would win! Glad to see you got more than 5 entries though! ;)
I'm lazy and don't have anything to give away this time (the postage for all the exchanges I did killed me!)

brooke said...

I'm sure nearly everyone says this, but my mom has always been the first one I turn to when I'm sick or in need. She's amazing.

Karen said...

Is it wrong to say my pillow? When I am sick, I just want to curl up with my pillow and sleep until I feel better.

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

just had influenza for 3 weeks, and live on my own...that is when I miss my mom, but she is older. Tylenol, and warm bed was key! thanks

majellamom said...

Great giveaway!

When I'm sick, I so appreciate that my hubby tries to keep our girls quiet for a few hours so I can get some rest (no small feat in a two bedroom 1300 sq ft house with a 3 and a 1 year old!)

Meredith A. said...

My husband has been wonderful helping me through morning sickness right now!!

New England Quilter said...

* Peppermint Tea for my Tummy
* My husband for my soul :)

Check out my blog for an Easter Basket Giveaway!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I just got done taking care of 5 kids ages 2-32 with the flu, all the while *I* also had it, but had to carry on as no one else would! I could use some takin care of too! Thanks for entering me!

vicvic said...

When I'm sick, my husband and children doing my duties is a huge comfort. My lovely bed that I am so grateful for is also a wonderful comfort, and when I have a sore throat, hard candy or Vitamin C drops are very comforting to me. Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway!

kelly said...

My daughter makes me a cup of tea and just cuddles with me.

M the Mommy said...

My husband comforts me most in my time of need. The last time I fell very ill he actually made a spreadsheet with a schedule of when I should eat and take my medicines so that nothing conflicted. Please count me in and thanks for this great giveaway.

selah said...

I have to have my warm fleece blanket!

Amanda said...

I think that mommy and prayer work great for a sick cure!

Pastor Ron said...

My hubby definitely makes me feel better!

Sassyfrazz said...

Everyone wants their mom to comfort them! I am not sure when your contest closes today, so I thought I would try it!
Thanks for a super giveaway and your generosity! I have 3 contests going on right now, too...if you have the time.

sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Anonymous said...

I recently broke my ankle and my best frend took over ALL of the household duties for me while I was laid up :) He was there when I really needed help :D

kamewh said...

A hot bath and a nice warm bed!!

Great giveaway! Would love to win!

Mary Lou said...

Definitely my mom when she was son would come in a close second......please enter me in the drawing....Mary Lou at dlowran1(at)comcast(dot)net

Tanya said...

My DH is my greatest comforter.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

When I am sick, the only thing that helps is chicken broth. Weird, I know...

I’d love to be entered.

If you haven’t already entered my giveaway, I’m giving away two prizes: craft books & decorating books at my blog


Jon and Sarah said...

Chicken soup and Vitamin Water were my best friend when I had food poisoning. Thanks.

Melissa said...

When I was sick it was me and my bed. :)

Lisa Garner said...

My mother went to great lenghts to take care of me when I was on bedrest due to premature labor during my first pregnancy. I was a soon to be single mom at the time and was not able to work because of having to be on bedrest. Not only did she help me financially but stayed by my side as much as she could keeping me company and helping pass long, lonely hours. When I went in for my weekly Dr's visit at 30 weeks and they discovered I was in active labor and dialated to 3cm she stayed with me and cared for me the whole time. I spent a week in the hospital before giving birth to my daughter prematurely and she was there for my in every way. She held my hand and comforted me as I gave birth and cried along with me as I touched my daughter for the first time as she laid attacted to a ventilator. I can never think my mother enough for caring for me and keeping me strong. Now I am married and a mom of three and I hope I am half a great a mother as she was to me!

Nordly said...

As a kid, it was always my mom who would be at my side. She runs her own business, but somehow she would find time to make me soup and take care of me.
Now I'm all grown up, I sadly have to depend on myself. My lovely-but-not-so-practical bf actually looooooves it when I have a fever, because "I am so toasty in bed". *snort* gotta love him ;)

JewelsHud said...

I would have to say Nyquil and my bed! Thanks for the giveaway!


Amy L said...

I have fibromyalgia, so feeling bad happens pretty often. My husband is so comforting, bringing me whatever I need, taking care of laundry, or just holding me.

Stacey Moore said...

a warm bath!! please enter us in your awesome contest!! we would love to win!!


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