Friday, December 7, 2007

"When They Dropped the Bomb Out Came My Mom"

Dec 7, 1941 is of course a day many many Americans will never forget, as it's the exact day my mother in law was born. Oh you thought I was meaning the other thing? Well of course that to!

We call her little mother trucker, because she's all of 5 feet tall and drives a semi truck. She's out on the road 95% of the year and when she is home she's taking care of Nanie (C's grandma). She doesn't get to see her grand babies but 2 or 3 times a year. I know it drives her crazy that she can't see them as much. She comes down every year the weekend of Christmas and we have our little marathon shopping run. Of course sometimes her choices not exactly mine and sometime to much one on time with her can drive me a little battie but nonetheless she really has genuine intentions and has a lot love to give.

I didn't get to really have a lot of bonding time with her after hubs and I married since she was on the road a lot. The few times we did spend together she drove me nutso crazy with her cleaning/laundry frenzies and just how her way of doing things was the right way. A typical MIL. The ice was finally broken during our move to Texas. Since we had the good fortune of her being a truck driver, she offered to drive the moving truck for us to Texas. Hubs felt like this would be a good time for her and I to bond. We spent over 12 solid hours together driving in one day all the way from OKC to East Texas and then back again in one day. For some reason my brilliant husband reserved the rental truck for only a day and stated that it had to be returned by midnight that night. Fun times! I don't know how we made it but I had never been so exhaustedly exhausted in all my life. C's mom shared all of his baby stories and then some and we laughed and laughed (which I think was all due to the exhaustion). When we arrived back in OKC at exactly 11:52 that night, it was to late to go knocking on the door at my parents house to sleep; and go figure, there was some kind of college softball tournament going on and not a single motel/hotel available in sight. We tried every single one from the high pricey ones to the cheap cheap ones and nothing. I was about ready to just sleep in the car. We finally found a motel 6 that had one room left and it was of course a smokers room, we didn't care. I think we literally just plopped on the bed and crashed no worries of anything else.

When Wonderboy was in the hospital for months and months after being born, she not only took it upon herself to take Gameboy who was just a little over a year old and care for him for months on end, she also was caring for C's dad who was fighting his battle with cancer. She treasures those months she had with her grand baby despite the challenges of caring for her sick husband as well. He gave her joy at a very sad time. I can never express enough how grateful of her I was for all she did at that time.
C always likes to proudly mention his mom's birthday considering the date and year on which she born. He always says "When they dropped the bomb, they had my mom."
Happy Birthday S! We love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today is also my wedding aniv. I had to pick a day that Michael would not forget and since he is in the Navy I was sure that Dec. 7 was the perfect date.


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