Here is a look back of first sentences on the first of each month and some favorite pics from each month as well.
Thanks so much to all my blog buddies for giving me a small ego boost each day. I know it's only a small handful of you and you all know who you are. I still say thanks so much for all you're kindness, support, and laughter. I'm not just saying all that to say it. Here's to 08 may it be just as great!
March 3rd -Well here it goes....
April 1st - We did really well last week keeping with the plan.
This was a freak mini snow storm we had here in Texas in April!
May 1st Here I thought Id be lacking on the posting thing today. (Story of my life)
June 1st Usually when I'm on that last stretch of road, I start getting those paranoid thoughts and questions in my head like, what if the house is no longer standing? (I loved this, it just cracked me up.)
**This is my ultimate favorite pic of 07, some day I'm going to have it shopped real well, blown up, matted and framed.**
July 1 Last night as we emerged from the movie theatre a dark ominous cloud hovered in the distance and the wind blew at a brisk speed.
August 1 I am not a big storyline T.V. watcher.
September 2 When people smell something specific baking like cookies or bread, it usually takes them back to a childhood memory.
Oct 1st Birthday's were always a big deal in my family, mom and dad always strived to give me the best to celebrate Mom and I's special day.
**For posterity that OU beat TX in football this year.**
Nov 1 I'm probably the last person to be blogging about my beauty blunders as I am not by any means a beauty connoisseur.
Dec 2 I've been doing this blog since March and have yet to EVER do a 7 things about me post.
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