Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ahh life is good

I'm taking a mini strike tonight from dishes, laundry and everything else. I'm on strike well just because I wanna be. Good enough reason for me.

I got the laptop nice and warm here on my lap, while the AC blows endlessly. The hubs is zonked in the recliner with a sinus something or other. This means I have the power in my hands-Remote control power that is. I get a little giddy when I have this kind of control. Of course as always with my luck. there's nothing on T.V. but life is good.

A glass of milk and oreos rest precariously between me and the couch. A doggy at my feet, sleeping boys nestled in their beds. Life is good.

Another great contest prize won, a Haiku book. It should be really neat. I really have no clue how this happens for me on the winning thing. I know most all of the giveaway hosts uses (and no bribery on the side I promise). It just blows me away! Life is good. I hope they don't start banning me from entering. :)

A three day weekend approaches. Life is good.

A wine tasting party for a friend's birthday to look forward to. Life is good.

My culinary crush (Alton) is on the T.V. crooning to me about souffle's. He's so darn smart. He could whip me up a souffle any day. Life is good.

Yeah tonight was a very good night to go on strike. Life is really good.


Kim Moldofsky said...

You won my contest, too--the Lands' End Ergo Jr. backpack, plus a new Spatulatta Cookbook and other goodies!

I used the less techy "write each name on a slip of paper, mix the papers up and choose a winner" method, though.

I sent you an e-mail but maybe you didn't get it?

Please contact me ASAP with your mailing address!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Life is good!! Glad you had such a great evening!

Jennifer said...

I'm jealous of all of it! The snoozing husband, the wine tasting party, the Alton filled evening, the haiku book!!!

Good for you!


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