Monday, February 2, 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book

Oustside My Window: It's so very sunny and nice. Nothing compared to last week. I really shouldn't be vegging on my couch blogging and should be outside enjoying. Ah well.

I am hearing: Bossyboy in his room playing toys. I can't make out what he's saying. I just love to hear and watch him play. He's so expressive. Wait...this is what I just heard. "Here is your going away song." in a very gruff voice "Go Away!" So very sing songy don't you think?

I am thinking: I have been a total and complete lazy azz today. I did do some preschool stuff and start some laundry and that is about it.

I am thankful for: Hubs is still clinging on by a shoe string with the job. They released 40 people last week. This whole weekend I've been a little overstressed.

I am wearing: Sweats and one of many of my infamous Eskimo Joe shirts.

I am hoping: The whole job thing works out forever and ever amen for everyone. I just can't stand worrying much less about something completely out of my control.

From The Kitchen;
The menu for the week is going to be fairly simple.
Mon- ? Hubs wants to meet at the mall after work. We never did do it last week.
Tues- Beef Stroganauff
Wed- Chili Hot Dogs
Thurs- Chicken Pot Pie
Fri- Pizza or left overs
I am reading:
I just finished Tin Angel by Shannon Cowan. It's basically about a girl, murder, and juvenile justice. It's not a bad read and was pretty quick. I started reading The Magicians Nephew which is the 1st book of the Chronicles of Narnia series. Can't get into it. I figured it would be pretty good, even if it's a chapter book for kids. I now know why the movies kind of skipped this one.

I am creating: My creative juices are clogged. I was doing good just telling the Bossy Boy the story of the ground hog. He didn't seem overly thrilled.

Around the house: The house as always for a Monday is completely out of whack. The craziness should reside by tomorrow. (knock on wood)

One of my favorite things: A couple of things. I grabbed Season 3 of the Muppet Show at the library (well one of many of the season), the boys loved it! I forgot how enjoyable it really is. Roger Miller was on the first episode and I didn't realize he sang so many crazy songs besides King of the Road. Needless to say the boys and I have watched the dvd probably 10 times and sang his songs out loud in Wal-Mart. Yes my friends, this is about as exciting as my weekends get. I'm going back today for another one.
The second favorite thing is my Crystal Lite Green Tea Raspberry for my water bottle. I've really been trying to drink more water but the water here is less than desirable, even from the fridge. This has really helped. Im happy to say that I haven't had a Dr. Pepper yet today. Hence the word yet as I will no doubt. At least I've had two 17 oz bottles of water already.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I'm planning to go up to OK this weekend..maybe. The boys are supposed to be out Monday. That may change due to snow days unless they pre plan them.

A Picture Thought:
I figured that I've posted more photos of Bossy Boy on this blog than should be allowed. I do actually have 2 other children. This one always seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to attention. Blessed is the middle child for they shall be heard...eventually.


Anonymous said...

I love the simplicity of the things that you do! I just imagine that your boys will grow up and have great memories of singing songs in Walmart and such. It really is great! I can say that I am entirely guilty of getting caught up in life and forgetting the important things. :)

Krista said...

Ooo, don't give up on the Magician's Nephew yet! It gets quite interesting and really explains a bunch of stuff that happens later!


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