Outside My Window: It's still fairly gloomy outside. Wind is blowing as always. I don't think it will make it to 70 like they said.
I am hearing: A very ticked off 4 year old who is throwing a whiny fit because I got to the computer before him. He's trying very hard to milk this for as long as possible..like until he gets his way...which he won't anytime soon.
I am thinking: Some VIP's are really looking forward to the next installment of Adventures in Babysitting. Tuesday folks Tuesday! One must pace themselves on these things. Monday's are my defrag my mind day, so I keep it simple. :)
I am thankful for: Well behaved boys at the birthday party. I had no issues whatsoever. Gameboy's friend was a good kid. He cracked me up as he let me know that you could get Pokemon cards for really cheap on Ebay. When I told him that I did in fact get GB's Pokemon cards on EBaby, he still felt he needed to tell me a half dozen times. Oh, I'm thankful for Ebay and cheap Pokemon cards too.
I am hoping: That these small bursts of winter are over. Somehow that's probably not likely.
I'm also hoping that my blog buddy Lawanda does not hate me for missing meeting up with her Saturday. I'm such a dunce and mislocated her e-mail. Forgive me?
From The Kitchen;
Monday: Calzones or Pepperoni bread
Tuesday: Chicken and RiceWednesday: I'm hoping we go out for GB's birthday, cause I really just don't want to cook. :)
Thursday: I'm drawing a blank on Thursday..I'm sure it's nothing awesome to write home about.
Friday: Fish and Fries
I am reading: I just finished reading Jane Austen Book Club. All I have to say is "meh". I reserved Praying For Owen Meany. I think I have another ready for pick up also, thinking it's Red Tent.
I am creating: My little project for GB's birthday cupcakes. I'm thinking I may get donuts instead. They eat really late-12:40 and are allowed a snack mid morning. I'm hoping this little project works out for donuts.
Around the house: I don't have anything to ambitious this week.
One of my favorite things: Here lately when the weather does cooperate, I've just been sitting outside just hanging out with the dog. It's pretty relaxing and nobody bothers me. I guess since I've had to share the computer lately I'm having to think of other things to do that don't require actual productivity.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Not much--teacher conference, library, maybe a special outing for GB's birthday. You guys know that he is my little April fool right? He says that when he tells the kids at school that his birthday is April 1st, they think he's "foolin" them and they never believe him.
A Picture Thought: Here are the birthday boys circa '05. Can I just say, I am not missing that retro house at all?
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