Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday-One Down One To Go

For the past month Gameboy and I have been working on his Science Fair Project. Most of you were there to follow me on the mad scientist experiment part and we all lived to tell about it. Now it's time to put all of that data together on a nice presentation board.
This part has come with great gnashing of teeth and has been really really hard for me to not completely take over. I admit that I probably helped with a good 75% of it. I'm not happy about it but this thing had to get done and the poor kid is not into the whole "crafty" part of it. His little brother must get this from him.
He did most of the experimenting and documenting and I helped.

This was one of the rare instances that he was actually really trying to carry through on the orders that I was barking at him. At least he was really good at go fetch the scissors, now go fetch the letters and paper or whatever else I needed.

Finally it's done. He helped a lot with the cutting and gluing. I did make him go over scientific questions the judges/teacher may ask him about the project. I mean we cant have a kid not even have a clue what science project his mom did now can we?

I'm also going to admit right now that I was never schooled on the school of scrapbooking and I don't have the "stuff" to do it right so no comments from the peanut gallery on my lame attempt at scrap booking a science fair project. From the picture it doesn't look half bad. In my humble opinion.

I hope I he gets an A.

One down One to go. You think my mom will be willing to take over Wonderboys project over Thanksgiving?


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm thoroughly impressed. I'll be in the same boat before you know it!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks awesome!


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